Champions & Supporters

Forces for Good: Organizations Making a Difference


At United Way of Lake County, we rely on the support of community which includes donors, volunteers, and organizations large and small. While there are too many to list, we are proud to recognize and extend our gratitude to our 2024 Campaign Community Champions and Community Impact Leaders.

The dedication to giving back is ingrained in the ethos of these organizations, reflecting a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between businesses and the communities they serve. They recognize that thriving communities are the bedrock of sustainable success, and their philanthropic endeavors reflect this.

The significance of their contributions cannot be overstated. Through their generous support, we are empowered to expand our reach and efficacy, channeling resources toward vital initiatives that address pressing social challenges. From education and health to financial stability and beyond, their donations serve as catalysts for positive change, fostering resilience and opportunity for individuals and families across Lake County.

In recognizing these organizations as integral partners in our mission, we celebrate their remarkable generosity and their steadfast dedication to creating a lasting impact. Together, we continue to forge pathways to a more vibrant community, guided by the belief that we can accomplish remarkable things when we unite our efforts.


2024 Community Impact Champion

Avery Dennison LOGO New_7.16.24    



2024 Community Impact Leaders

    Griffin Technologies Logo   Mentor Nissan Logo

Lighthouse Advisers LOGO     Fredon Logo