United Way of Lake County COVID-19 Free Help and Resources
Free Food
Lake County Food Pantries
United Way of Lake County helps support over 40 community food pantries. A list of these can be found here.
Fair Housing Resource Center (FHRC)
The Fair Housing Resource Center offers several housing programs that benefit residents of Lake County. They work to promote equal housing opportunities for all persons and to advocate for fair housing and diversity in Lake County and surrounding communities. FHRC offers assistance with:
- Landlord/Tenant Issues - Eviction Diversion:The FHRC offers advice to both landlords and tenants with rental housing concerns and provides information regarding landlord-tenant laws and landlord and tenants’ rights and responsibilities. They offer Eviction Diversion assistance to help tenants facing eviction and offer assistance when possible to prevent evictions. They are also available to offer assists tenants in multi-family apartment complexes to organize around common housing issues and concerns, to assist tenants and landlords with housing concerns and information regarding landlord-tenant laws and the rights and responsibilities of each party involved. They provide proper documentation for landlords/tenants in regards to housing issues, and more.
- Rental Assistance Programs
- Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
- Fair Housing/Housing Discrimination
- And More
FHRC Contact Information:
Housing Counselors are available Mon - Thur from 8 am - 6 pm
Phone#: 440-392-0147 Toll Free 866-411-3472
Website: fhrc.org
Resources for Seniors
Lake County Council on Aging
The Lake County Council on Aging offers programs for those age 60 and over including:
- Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels)
- Drive Up Meal Packs (at 4 Lake County locations)
- Information and Referral
- Social Work Services
- Non-Medical In Home Care Services
- Bridge Newspaper
The Council on Aging also serves individuals with disabilities who are age 18 and over through the agency’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). The agency has made many changes to their programs given COVID-19. The latest edition of Bridge newspaper features an entire section devoted to resources available for seniors and their caregivers during coronavirus. Click here to view a copy of Bridge. For the most up-to-date information, visit them online at lccoa.org or call 440-205-8111.
Free Medical & Dental Care
The Lake County Free Clinic
The Lake County Free Clinic provides free medical and dental care services. Appointments are required and they do not accept walk ins. Call 440.352.8686, ext. 2 to make an appointment. For more information on their services visit http://www.lakefreeclinic.org/. If you have a medical emeregency, call 911, NOT the Lake County Free Clinic.
Free Prescription Assistance
The Prescription Assistance Program of Ohio (Lake County)
The Prescription Assistance Program of Ohio offers free prescriptions. The only charge may be the cost of mailing them to you. They fill prescriptions once a week. For complete details, visit https://papofohio.com/, call 440-352-1999 or email them at papofohio@gmail.com.
Free Mental Health Services
Feeling overwhelmed, depressed, panicked or dealing with other mental health challenges? Three organizations offering free help are listed below.
Crossroads Health
Crossroads Health Coronavirus Warmline: 440-754-3340
Warmline Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 8 pm
Call the above number for help with COVID-related stress, anxiety or uncertainty
Virtual Support Groups (VSG):
Virtual group meetings last approximately one hour and are held on Tuesdays at 12 pm and on Thursdays at 6 pm
To access online log onto https://crossroadshealth.zoom.us/j/6044743547
You can also elect to participate by phone at 888-788-0099, Meeting I.D. 604-474-3547
Click here for more information about Crossroads Health.
Lake County ADAMHS Board (Lake County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Service)
Lake County Crisis Hotline: 440-953-8255
Free help is available 24/7 at the above number for when you or a family member is experiencing overwhelming stress that impacts your ability to function normally.
Lake County ADAMHS Board Compass Line: 440-350-2000 or 440-918-2000
Call the Compass Line for information about all behavioral health services, including those relative to COVID-related stress or anxiety, and/or to explore tele-health options.
To visit Lake County ADAMHS online, click here.
NAMI Lake County (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
NAMI Lake County offers a place for ANYONE to come together virtually to share how they are handling their wellness during social distancing. The NAMI Lake County Wellness Chats are being held every day at 3:30 pm through Zoom or a phone call.
Join at https://zoom.us/j/222499295 or call in to(929)205-6099, Meeting ID 222499295
For more information on NAMI, click here now.
2-1-1 Helpline Referral Service
Lifeline, Inc.
Lifeline's 2-1-1 helpline is a free community service that provides free confidential referrals for health and human service needs. If you are confused and don't know where to turn for help with housing, shelter, utility assistance, clothing, counseling, food and more, call 2-1-1. You can call 211 anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to talk to a real person. Just dial 211 on your phone from within Lake County or call 440-639-4420.
Sew & No-Sew Facemask Instructions
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the use of cloth masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19. You can find tutorials on making these here on their website. Both sew and non-sew options are provided.
Questions about COVID-19 in Ohio
Ohio Department of Health
The latest updates on the Coronavirus/COVID-19 along with answers to frequently asked questions can be found at the Ohio Department of Health.
Call Center: The Ohio Department of Health has established a call center to answer questions and can be reached at 1.833.427.5634, 7 days a week from 9 am - 8 pm daily, including weekends.
Call center staff includes licensed nurses and infectious disease experts who are available to answer questions and provide accurate information about the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
Website: Click here to connect with them online at coronavirus.ohio.gov
Their website also includes resources for parents and families that includes information on talking to children about COVID-19 and family activities to try during school closings.
Questions about COVID-19 in Lake County
Lake County General Health District
Updates and news about the Coronavirus/COVID-19 in Lake County can be found online at the Lake County General Health District.