Communitywide Speaker Series: Stop Human Trafficking in Northeast Ohio
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Don't miss this chance to be a part of something bigger! Join us the evening of October 10th at The Paradigm at Mentor High School for a powerful and inspiring Speaker Series on Human Trafficking in Northeast Ohio. Our keynote speaker, moderator, and 7 expert panelists are passionate advocates sharing real stories, solutions, and ways we can help support anti-trafficking efforts - all in a warm, welcoming environment complete with a light meal and a resource reception.
Please join us for a keynote address, panel discussion, and interaction with a dynamic group of local experts (scroll down) for insights on:
- What is human trafficking?
- How prevalent is it in Northeast Ohio?
- What are some key warning signs & red flags?
- What is its impact on victims and their families?
- What care and resources are available for victims and their families?
This powerful public safety initiative is hosted by Women United of United Way of Lake County. It is open to all members of our community - all genders - with advance registration. Following the presentation, a resource reception will offer you and all of our guests the chance to have direct discussions with key experts and organizations involved in this fight. Don't miss this informative and captivating speaker series. Scroll down to register and learn more!
While we highly recommend guests attend in person, we also have a Virtual viewing option.
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Time: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: The Paradigm at Mentor High School located in Mentor at 6477 Center St.
Included for Those In-Person: Light Meal and Beverages
In-Person Fee:
- $20 / Women United Members & Emerging Leaders
- $25 / Guests (Note: If the fee is prohibitive for you, help may be available. Please contact the United Way office at 440.639.1131)
Virtual Fee: $0 - Free
Special Request: For each of our Speaker Series Women United adopts a nonprofit to support, and Forbes House, Lake County's only domestic violence shelter, has been selected for this event. We hope you will consider bringing any of the following items with you to donate: Uber gift cards, gas station gift cards, new bath towels, disinfecting wipes, laundry detergent pods, tissues, paper towels, Laketran or RTA bus passes, and old cell phones. Anything you choose to contribute will be much appreciated - completely optional of course!
Questions? Email tlewis@uwlc.org
Click here for a shareable promotional flyer!
Advance Registration is Required by October 7th for Both In-Person Attendance and Virtual Attendance.
Click here for a copy of all Speaker Bios or scroll down to preview.
Keynote Speaker
Detective John Morgan, Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department and the Department of Homeland Security Investigations Task Force Officer assigned to the Ohio Attorney General’s Northeast Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force (NEOHTTF)
Detective John Morgan, a dedicated 25-year veteran of The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department, is a Department of Homeland Security Investigations Task Force Officer assigned to the Ohio Attorney General’s Northeast Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force (NEOHTTF). Detective Morgan led the initial creation of the NEOHTTF in 2016 and has been essential to its success in prosecuting the region’s most significant trafficking cases while maintaining an unwavering commitment to the support and restoration of victims. Respected and admired by his colleagues in and outside law enforcement, Detective Morgan brings his prior experience investigating violent crimes, including state and federal human trafficking investigations, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). While assigned to the FBI Violent Crimes Task Force and The City of Cleveland Division of Police Homicide Unit, he introduced the Critical Incident documentation format for investigating Police Use of Deadly Force incidents and Inmate In-Custody Deaths (KNA Critical Incidents). This investigatory format, now adopted by the Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office and utilized in all investigations in Cuyahoga County, is a testament to his dedication and innovative thinking. Detective Morgan was also central to the Ariel Castro investigation in 2013, which led to the recovery of three women who Castro had held for over 10 years. Detective Morgan has successfully investigated and prosecuted human trafficking cases for over 17 years. Detective Morgan has received numerous awards and accolades and continues to share the insights of his many years of experience in training law enforcement officers, first responders, coroners, NGOs, and countless other stakeholders on how to more effectively identify, investigate, dismantle and prosecute Human Trafficking cases. His professional expertise and investigative skills have underpinned hundreds of critical cases and have allowed countless victims to escape a life of unimaginable exploitation.
Annette Mango, Survivor, Ohio Attorney General Human Trafficking Initiative Survivor Ambassador, Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Certified Peer Recovery Supporter
For more than ten years, Annette lived on the streets addicted to drugs, beaten by johns and pimps, and freezing in the alleyways of Cleveland. In 2015, she chose to go on the human trafficking docket in Cleveland Municipal Court for solicitation and drug abuse charges. There she became involved with the Renee Jones Empowerment Center (“RJEC”), an organization dedicated to helping human-trafficking survivors. Since then, she has gone from being victimized on the streets to being drug-free, holding a full-time job, renting her own apartment, and re-uniting with family members. Annette is one of the first human trafficking victims in Cuyahoga County to have her criminal convictions related to her victimization expunged. In June of 2017, she completed a Survivor-Educator Certification course through RJEC, which prepared her to publicly speak and share her story with others. After many years of pain and humiliation, she is now able to use her experiences to help and educate others. From these experiences, she has transformed from a victim to a survivor and thriver.
Kathy Strancar, Executive Director, Forbes House (Lake County's only Domestic Violence Shelter)
Kathy Strancar is a dedicated non-profit executive with over a decade of leadership experience in social services and trauma-informed environments. Currently serving as the Executive Director of Forbes House, Lake County's only domestic violence shelter, Kathy leads initiatives that provide critical support to survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking and sexual assault. Under her leadership, the organization has expanded its services, ensuring a comprehensive approach to victim support and advocacy. Kathy's expertise includes strategic planning, financial stewardship, community engagement, and program development. She is a strong advocate for diverse communities, fostering partnerships with community organizations, healthcare entities, and other stakeholders to drive awareness and action against violence and exploitation. Kathy brings a wealth of knowledge on the intersection of domestic violence and human trafficking, offering insights into the challenges faced by survivors and the importance of a coordinated community response. Her commitment to creating safe and supportive environments for all individuals is evident in her tireless work at Forbes House and beyond.
Denise Robinson, MSN-ED RN SANE-A, Adult Forensic Coordinator, Blair Dickey-White Sexual Assault Survivor Unit, University Hospitals Health Systems Center for Emergency Medicine
Denise Robinson is currently the Adult forensic coordinator of the Blair Dickey-White Sexual Assault Survivor Program at University Hospitals Health Systems. Denise has over 36 years of experience as a nurse. Denise has worked clinically in the areas of Med-Surgical care, Utilization management, and emergency nursing management. In 2010 she led the reorganization of the forensic unit and more recently our hospital-wide regional forensic nursing response. In 2012 the adult and pediatric unit received the Faces of Caring Award from the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center. In 2014 she was awarded the Faces of Care award from the Cleveland Magazine. More recently she received University Hospitals inaugural Distinguished Nurse Award in 2022. She provides education as a guest lecturer at Baldwin Wallace University; and facilitates forensic education for our forensic elective for medical residents wishing to learn more about forensic patient care. She is active with our community partners to provide education, and insight in working with survivors of sexual and domestic violence.
Kathleen Hackett, MSN, RN, SANE-P, Pediatric Forensic Program Coordinator, University Hospitals, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
Kathleen Hackett, MSN, RN, SANE-P has been a nurse for over 30 years with 20 years of emergency room experience, and is certified through the International Association of Forensic Nurses as a pediatric sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE-P). Kathleen is the Pediatric Forensic Program Coordinator for University Hospitals, Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital since its launch in 2010, in Cleveland, OH. Kathleen earned her Master of Science in Nursing (Forensic Track) at Cleveland State University in 2017.
Kathleen provides ongoing education not only for her facility, but also for nursing programs, NP and PA programs, medical students and physicians on such topics as sexual abuse/assault, human trafficking, non-fatal strangulation, and trauma informed care. Kathleen also collaborates with community partners to provide quality care for pediatric victims of crime.
Jennifer Moreland, MSN RN SANE-A, Adult SANE Lead Southeast Region, Portage University Hospital's Medical Center
Jennifer Moreland is the Lead Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) of the Southeast Region at University Hospital. Jennifer maintains a full time SANE role providing consults and exams for patients that are victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault and victims of crime. Jennifer also trains Registered Nurses to become SANEs’. She has been a Registered Nurse for 13 years, spending the majority of her time in the area of critical care, and has been a SANE nurse for two and a half years. Jennifer holds a Master’s in Science of Nursing in Forensics and SANE-A certification. Professional Memberships include: the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), the Ohio IAFN, Geauga County SART (Sexual Assault Response Team), Portage County SART, Portage County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force.
Stephanie Gaines, MD, Senior Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine; Endowed Director, Blair Dickey-White Sexual Assault Survivor Program, UH Cleveland Medical Center and Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine.
Dr. Stephanie Gaines, M.D. serves as the Endowed Director for University Hospitals Blair Dickey-White Sexual Assault Survivor Program. She is a board certified physician in Emergency Medicine with over 15 years of experience. Dr. Gaines holds a Senior Attending position with University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. She is an Assistant Professor with Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and former Associate Program Director for the Emergency Medicine Residency training program. Prior to her appointment as the Inaugural Endowed Program Director in 2021, she served as the interim medical director for University Hospitals Adult Forensic Unit (SANE).
Jane Bryan, BSN, RN, SANE-A, Assistant Nurse Manager-Hillcrest, Cleveland Clinic Forensic Nursing Program.
Jane Bryan is a registered nurse and an advocate for laws that protect people against violence. She has worked as a forensic nurse/sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) at University Hospitals and Cleveland Clinic Akron General’s PATH Center. She is SANE-A-certified and works for Cleveland Clinic Hillcrest Hospital's Forensic Unit as the assistant nurse manager. As part of her advocacy, she has provided proponent testimony before the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee and the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee for laws that protect Ohioans against violence. Representing the Cleveland Clinic PATH Center, she testified in support of eliminating the statute of limitations for rape. She also delivered proponent testimony on behalf of the Ohio Chapter’s International Association of Forensic Nurses for House Bill 3 and Senate Bill 90, which supported victims of strangulation and domestic violence.
Carolyn Kinkoph
Carolyn Kinkoph is a human trafficking survivor parent, advocate, and co-founder of the Alliance Against Human Trafficking. Her coalition includes local, county, state and federal agencies, plus non-government partners who have been supportive in building a multidisciplinary team to combat human trafficking in Northeast Ohio and beyond. She is passionate about providing human trafficking education to diverse audiences as a means of promoting awareness, prevention, and providing community service information for victims and their families. Carolyn is a former Ohio State Bar Association Certified Paralegal with 16 years of experience. She acquired her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Master of Business Administration at Cleveland State University. She is an Advocate Member of the Global Association of Human Trafficking Scholars, and a former member of the Health, Education, Advocacy, Linkage (Heal) Trafficking Education and Training Committee. Carolyn is currently employed as the Administrative Secretary for both the Departments of History and Philosophy & Religious Studies at Cleveland State University (CSU). She is the former Interim Secretary for both the CSU Black Studies Program, now known as the Department of Africana Studies, and the CSU School of Film & Media Arts. She is a doctoral candidate in Urban Studies and Public Affairs at Cleveland State University.
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